UX Geek-out
A blog of UX project work and/or thoughts of Shannon Kelly. The stories & opinions expressed are her own.
Information Architecture I – Assignment Round-up
Preface: This is an assignment round-up for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University class INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE I (UXD-60101-004) Fall 2023. Examining IA Assignment: Answer 5 questions about the information architecture of Empire Coffee & Tea &...
Assignment: Booking.com Unmoderated Mobile Usability Testing
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Summer 2023 USABILITY II (UXD-60114) Assignment Three-part assignment on remote usability. Module 1 Select a site to test. Either: Hotel reservations: Kayak.com, Hotels.com,...
Assignment: Project Brief & Reflection Journal Entry 1
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Interaction in Practice Spring 2023 Design Assignment Create a version of a project brief. This brief will serve as a pitch and initial document explaining your app...
Assignment: Card Sort of a Residential Contractors Website
Preface: This was a card sorting assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Fall 2023 INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE I (UXD-60101-004) Assignment - Card Sorting This assignment was to learn how to perform a card sorting exercise and discover research...
Assignment: PapaJohns.com Usability Testing
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Summer 2023 USABILITY I (UXD-60104-002) After creating a screener questionnaire and conducting a moderated usability test on PapaJohns.com, I was tasked with creating a...
Assignment: 10ft Interface & Controller Prototype – Draft and Final Iteration
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Principles of Interaction Spring 2023 Design Assignment Scenario: Tasked with creating a new studio-specific proprietary streaming device and application (like a...
Assignment: Pocket Casts Guerrilla Mobile Usability Testing
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Summer 2023 USABILITY II (UXD-60114) Assignment - Guerrilla Usability Test: The Pocket Casts App Three-part assignment - Test a mobile app the way it occurs most often - in...
Assignment: First National Bank App – Mortgagor Flow
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Interaction in Practice Spring 2023 Assignment Details Document your work in a portfolio piece format. You can create it in a document format or post it to a site if you are...
Assignment: Responsive Interface Design – Draft and Final Iteration
Preface: This was a school assignment for the UXD Master's program at Kent State University: Principles of Interaction Spring 2023 Design Assignment Scenario: Redesign a Business-to-Business (B2B) electronic components distribution company homepage. This...
Contact Me
Feel free to reach out if you’re looking for a consultation on your website or application or if you have general questions about my UX practice and availability.
Email: me@shannonkellyux.com
Connect on Linked In: @shannonmkelly